About us

The Center for Cultural Experiences in Prevention (CCEP) within the Department of Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University was founded in 2001 to provide a place, forum and means to promote and conduct culturally congruent and community relevant prevention and intervention work primarily with African Americans and other culturally different groups. Since its inception more than 30 graduate students and hundreds of undergraduate students have contributed to programs and research at the Center and engaged in activities with numerous community partners and other agencies. The CCEP has involved students, faculty and staff from the Monroe Park and Medical campuses. The work at the Center has been funded by federal, state and local sources as well as by foundations and by the dedicated volunteer work of students, staff, faculty and community partners.

About our director
Faye Belgrave, Ph.D., is internationally known for her expertise on topics such as African American psychology, women and gender-issues, HIV and substance abuse prevention, program evaluation, and community-based programs and research. She has published extensively on these topics and is a frequently invited speaker. She is the recipient of several awards that have recognized her for her excellence in teaching, service and research.