Fantasy Lozada, PhD

Assistant Professor
VCU Dept of Psychology
(804) 828-9089
Dr. Lozada's psychology department web page
My research takes into consideration how cultural-related beliefs (i.e., beliefs about emotion, race, and discrimination) and race-related experiences (i.e., racial identity, discrimination, and socialization) impact socioemotional competence among ethnic minority youth. Much of my work focuses on development within family, school, and technological (i.e., the Internet) contexts. I rely on quantitative analytic methods (i.e., structural equation modeling, negative binomial regressions, multilevel latent class analyses, hierarchical linear modeling) in addition to parent-child observations and qualitative interviews to explore my research questions. My future research will examine developmental trajectories of socioemotional competencies in ethnic minority youth and develop intervention/prevention studies focused on parenting programs, classroom curriculum, and social networking platforms to teach and enhance socioemotional competence among children and adolescents.