Selected publications
Belgrave, F. Z., Nguyen, A. B., Johnson, J., & Hood, K. (in press). Who is likely to help and to hurt? Profiles of African American adolescents with pro-social and aggressive behaviors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.
Clark, T., Belgrave,F. Z., & Abell, M. (in press). The mediating and moderating effects of parent and peer influences upon drug use among African American adolescents. Journal of Black Psychology.
Nguyen, A. B., Belgrave, F. Z., & Sholley, B. (2010). Development of a breast and cervical cancer screening intervention for Vietnamese American women: A community-based participatory approach. Health Promotion Practice, 11.
Belgrave, F. Z., Johnson, J., Nguyen, A. B., Hood, K., Tademy, R., Clark, T., & Nasim, A. (2010). Stress and tobacco use among African American adolescents: The buffering effect of cultural factors. Journal of Drug Education, 40, 171-186
Belgrave, F. Z., Corneille, M., Hood, K., Foster-Woodson, J., & Fitzgerald, A. (2010). The impact of perceived group support on the effectiveness of an HIV prevention program for African American women. Journal of Black Psychology, 36, 127-143.
Nguyen, A. B., Clark, T. T., Hood, K. B., Corneille, M., & Belgrave, F. Z. (2010). Looking beyond traditional gender roles and identity: Do reconceptualizations affect condom-related outcomes?Culture, Health and Sexuality, 24, 603-617.
Recent books
Belgrave, F. Z., Allison, K. W., Wilson, J., & Tademy, R. (in press).Brothers of Ujima: A cultural empowerment program for adolescent African American males. Champaign, IL: Research Press. (Expected publication summer 2011.)
Belgrave, F. Z., & Allison, K. W. (2010). African American Psychology: From Africa to America. 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Belgrave, F. Z.(2009). African American girls: Reframing perceptions and changing experiences. New York, NY: Springer.
Belgrave, F. Z., Cherry, V., Butler, D., & Townsend, T. (2008). Sisters of Nia: An empowerment cultural curriculum for African American girls. Champaign, IL: Research Press.